• Nobles of Null is a forum based roleplay site where sci-fi and magic collide. Here, Earth remains fractured and divided despite humanity reaching out to the stars. Worse still, the trans-human slaves of one major power have escaped, only to establish their own Empire, seething with resentment at abuses of the past. Even the discovery of aliens, though medieval in development, has failed to rally these squabbling children of Earth together with its far darker implications. Worse still, is the discovery of the impossible - magic. Practiced by the alien locals, nearly depleted and therefore rare, its reality warping abilities remains abstract and distant to the general populace. All the while, unseen in the darkness of space, forces from without threaten to press in. For those with eyes opened by insight, it is clear that an era is about to end, and that a new age will dawn.

Jamison Butterworth

====Personnel Registry====

Jamison Butterworth

Biographical information
England, London
Physical description
6ft 10in
231 lbs
Light brown
Light Tan
Political Information
Heavy Weapons Specialist
Out-of-Character Information

-Physical Description-

Jamison is a towering man that was born a brick and built into a wall. The green eyes tend to look more gray if he's not in combat or invested in the situation and when combined with a case of resting grumpy face he can seem a bit unaproachable. His posture isn't the best, while living on a planet is fine for him adapting to corridors that weren't made with giant propotions in mind took a toll as well as some of his past... mistakes. As a juvenile he got his k9s sharpened and a small back tattoo of a rook. After serving for fifteen years his collection of scars expanded to a bad burn line on his bicep and a few pockt marks from bullets and shrapnel. Though he does try to minimize these with long sleaved shirts and closed mouth smiles they can't be hidden completely.

-Skills and Abilities-

Brute Force : Jamison is a big and heavy object. He is very used to being a big and heavy object and how big and heavy objects are used. Whether its tackling an opponent, slamming through a door or holding something closed Jamison has probably done it and knows how to put his wieght to best use.

Heavy Weapons : As a heavy weapons specialist Castle knows how to wield and maintain most heavy weapons. His personal favorite would be the MG-130 'Cougar' for its high rate of fire and variety of ammo types.

CQC : Having fought hand to hand for most of his life he has become quite proficient at hitting people and avoiding being hit. His later training expanded this to include hitting people with sharp objects and avoiding being shanked.

EVA Training : While not the best spacewalker by any strech he is proficient at if only through repetition.

Fortifications : While not an engineer Jamison's portable barricade and eye for scrounging allow him to plant defensive positions just about anywhere. Though what's better than his ability to throw a few crates in front of him is knowing where they will be of most use depending on the situation.

Stoic : Probably his most used talent is his ability to take a beating. Having been used as a human sheild more than once in suburbs and alley fights along with being shot, shouted and commanded at for half his life he has developed a rather thick skin. He isn't shrugging off bullets but threats, insults and danger tend to bounce off rather easily.

-Personality Description-

Castle tends to be very blunt. While he isn't incapable of being gentle he does tend to prefer faster and simpler methods even if they require more effort. His early years of being a goon reflected this as well as his early years of being a grunt. Overtime however he has become a decent soldier, specificaly after his dad died to a stroke a few years back. 'Instead of being a grumpy giant he became a cynical giant' as his previous squadmates put it. On the battlefield however he leaves most of it at the barraks and does his best to keep his team alive.


Jamison was a troublemaker as a teen, being seen as a strongman by most other juveniles he found it rather easy to group out with rowdy people and get into fights. This had detrimental effects on his early schooling but his father was a military man and whipped into enough shape for him to pass from school to a bootcamp without him being held back. From bootcamp came training and the demolition of his goon mindset. Drill instructors being what they are he came out as a soldier if not a terribly social one.

He got put into the heavy weapons course and some months after deployed, and he's been deployed and redeployed for the vast majority of his time since. Not showing much want to go back to his parents or any friends he had in london he has been moving where his superiors tell him too.

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