Ingrid 1482
Ingrid is a variant of a service industry clone, custom-made as an assassin to show favour to the Neomni yakuza clan.
A bit frosty and aloof, Ingrid's mental programming makes them generally unwilling or unable to do things that deviate from protocol, though their ingrained voracious appetite for killing means their artistic and creative side can still find plenty of lease. Rather than taking offense to the fact they look identical to many other cloned maids, personal assistants and upper class party serving staff, they quite enjoy their ability to blend into a crowd. If anything, they probably take their own air of mystery and intrigue a bit too much to heart, considering they are actually very impulsive and are rarely capable of planning anything past ten minutes in the future.
- Build: Lithe, bottom-heavy, a little lanky but with a lean sort of musculature.
- Facial Features: Soft and rounded, with a small nose, but sharp, predatory eyes.
- Hair Style: An overgrown pixie cut of unnaturally glossy dark blue.
- Distinguishing Features: She had long rabbit ears and a small fluffy tail the same colour as her hair, but is humanoid otherwise. This is a common feature of her clone type- The spiralling snake and flower tattoos on her left arm, upper leg, chest and back are not. She also likes to wear cheek piercings with flat, circular discs of silver on them. The right wrist and the back of her neck are marked with more mundane corporate symbols and barcodes.
Due to a long standing involvement of the Neomi yakuza clan with the Longmen service industry outlets on Atlantica, it's no surprise that the former received many favours and presents over the years. Ingrid was not the first assassin type produced by them, but the illegal nature of such a construction makes it difficult to tell which other organisations possess them.
Despite the intention, the clan met them with a bit of derision and mistrust. Yakuza society is based on willing servitude and trust, after all, so they didn't much like the concept of a 'non sentient doll' being allowed into the inner circle.
Ingrid obsessed over becoming more trusted regardless, volunteering for dangerous footsoldier missions and getting themselves marked with irezumi work. It half worked and half backfired. After the first six hits and intimidations, they shown themselves worthy of being trusted with inner workings of the clan- But nobody really wanted to socialise with her after seeing how she mercilessly took those poor souls apart.
With the betrayal of the Fudoramu clan, and Fuminsho Station falling into chaos during early 2322, things went off the rails a little. They hard the lasting orders of their master, but no actual masters anymore. It seemed like they were fully set up to go off the rails...
+Highly skilled with knives and small arms, due to genetically improved reflexes and dexterity.
+Trained for stealth operations and retaining a covert mindset.
+Highly physically fit.
-Not actually militarily trained, or accustomed to firing larger firearms.
-Poor independence and understanding of teamwork/social skills.
-She is designed to act like a specific type of service clone... and that's it. They are remarkably poor at imitating what normal humans sound and act like.
-A 'rhododendron' 56 laser pistol, with stun, burn and puncture settings. Can fire constantly up to ten seconds on a medium setting, but can be recharged from a variety of sources.
-Nine small throwing knives, with finger holes so they can be used as punching daggers.
-Rubber gloves.
-Nine small throwing knives, with finger holes so they can be used as punching daggers.
-Rubber gloves.
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