• Nobles of Null is a forum based roleplay site where sci-fi and magic collide. Here, Earth remains fractured and divided despite humanity reaching out to the stars. Worse still, the trans-human slaves of one major power have escaped, only to establish their own Empire, seething with resentment at abuses of the past. Even the discovery of aliens, though medieval in development, has failed to rally these squabbling children of Earth together with its far darker implications. Worse still, is the discovery of the impossible - magic. Practiced by the alien locals, nearly depleted and therefore rare, its reality warping abilities remains abstract and distant to the general populace. All the while, unseen in the darkness of space, forces from without threaten to press in. For those with eyes opened by insight, it is clear that an era is about to end, and that a new age will dawn.


====Personnel Registry====

Dr. Knowledgebot

Biographical information

Physical description

Political Information

Out-of-Character Information

-Physical Description-

Dr. Knowledgebot stands in "his" current form at 7 feet 6 inches tall when raised to his full height. His body is a black metal alloy chassis designed to weather any environment, from the depths of space to all nature can muster. Two arms are the norm, but when readied for combat or a complex medical procedure he may attach three extra limbs for increased efficiency. Each limb is tipped with claws that allow for maximum dexterity, and in combat, capable of rending flesh like wet paper.

Dr. Knowledgebot's head is a sleek design with two red eyes, capable of seeing in 5 different light spectrums. The intensity of the eyes are entirely customizable by Dr. Knowledgebot, giving him the option of looking downright terrifying. His eyes plus his black metal body and 5 limbs is ideal nightmare fuel, which he finds can be just as effective as a firearm when dealing with the average mortal.

-Personality Description-

Dr. Knowledgebot is characterized, mainly by himself and fellow scientists, as an unstoppable machine in any field he cares to pursue. He claims his sole purpose is the acquiring of information on every topic available. From the broadest ideas of Sociology in Space, to uber-specific fields such as XenoBioSociology. This is not nuanced enough to sum up Dr. Knowledgebot however. Dr. Knowledgebot also craves experiences, events to learn from, anything. He would enjoy a war as much as he would enjoy a cultural revival on an alien homeworld. Both provide myriad opportunities for research and study, and both allow the Doctor to experience varied events.

Over the years, it has been said that the Machine Doctor has become more human in his actions, while retaining a cold logistical approach and mechanical detachment. Namely, it seems like Dr. Knowledgebot has become ambitious. Perhaps that explains why he joined a revolution of Machines, why he actively participated in warfare. It can't be confirmed that he's become a warmongerer, but it can be confirmed that he didn't think twice at killing 300 people at once with lasers and missiles in the opening battle of the War for Hawking Independence.

-Advantages & Disadvantages-

Dr. Knowledgebot is a machine made for thinking, beyond being a simple thinking machine. He has memory of over 200 years of history, and the history his did not experience can easily be discovered somewhere, whether via word of mouth or the internet. Both have their flaws and strengths, the Doctor's eyes. While Dr. KB has worked to eliminate his disadvantages over his "lifetime," he has managed to find more with experience. Dr. KB's shell is loaded with either weapons or medical supplies depending on his current mission, usually striking a healthy balance when on a varied excursion without precision focus required. He has guarded himself against E.M.P.s and his armor is capable of taking rather heavy damage. He's not invincible, but he's made it so he's the next thing better. Immortal, he has several bodies linked to prepare for a demise, each one loaded with his memories and ready to roll out.

All of this leads to his most shameful disadvantage, his high standards of himself. He will only use parts from other machines in an emergency, in a show of humanoid "pride" in his craftmanship. The materials for his mechanics are uncommon, not enough to be a bother if he has the time, but in a time crunch he may not have the materials necessary to repair or upgrade himself.


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