• Nobles of Null is a forum based roleplay site where sci-fi and magic collide. Here, Earth remains fractured and divided despite humanity reaching out to the stars. Worse still, the trans-human slaves of one major power have escaped, only to establish their own Empire, seething with resentment at abuses of the past. Even the discovery of aliens, though medieval in development, has failed to rally these squabbling children of Earth together with its far darker implications. Worse still, is the discovery of the impossible - magic. Practiced by the alien locals, nearly depleted and therefore rare, its reality warping abilities remains abstract and distant to the general populace. All the while, unseen in the darkness of space, forces from without threaten to press in. For those with eyes opened by insight, it is clear that an era is about to end, and that a new age will dawn.

Search results

  1. Acewing13

    Chicago Night Life [NSFW]

    Chicago, American Union Bark started their stroll by having them take a ride into the city through one of the trains, which along the way the would catch a whiff of chocolate from one of the candy factories nearby still working in the city. He would direct them out of the train station and give...
  2. Acewing13

    Chapter 4: New Texan Adventures

    Fort Alamo, New Austin, New Texas system Caleb took a deep breath as he stepped off the shuttle, looking around the landing field. "Do you know how long it's been since I've had non-recycled air?" he asked the black Theradectan that followed behind him. "Four years. Much too long." "Much...
  3. Acewing13

    Chapter 3b: Space Therapy

    Antioch System, AUS Walpole, in orbit over Tancred The counseling office on board Statesmen-class spaceships were the definition of low key. With the two constraints of patient privacy and the small amount of pressurized space available, the office was shoved in between the medical bay and the...
  4. Acewing13

    Diners, Drive-bys, and Dies

    Interpol Branch Office, Brussels Arcology "Alright," Captain Beatrix said, standing by the wall in the meeting room. "Thank you all for coming. Glad you're back from your vacation, Shapur." "Thanks, it was nice," the Persian said with a nod and a small smile. "Good to see the kids." "For...
  5. Acewing13

    Intermission 2: Shade in the Night

    The French on the signs were no problem for the black cat that wandered stiffly through the streets of the Brussels Arcology. There were too many people about, even at the late hour that was her preffered time to be places. After dusk, when the air felt cooler and the stars spanned forever...
  6. Acewing13

    Intermission 1a: Beauty and the Beefcake

    Interpol Branch Office, Brussels Arcology, Europe Training Facilities A few days had passed since that mission to capture Daphne the supplier of drugs in the hopes of finding for information about their operation. Ngao Agrinya hoping to not only become closer to his colleagues who may later on...
  7. Acewing13

    SWAT Raid in Antwerp/Intro for Ngao/Bark

    Interpol Branch Office, Brussels Arcology, Europe After a few confused minutes of trying to translate French signs into English, Ngao finally made it to the branch office, the reception room was chaotic, with five different languages bouncing off the walls as various armed and armored officers...
  8. Acewing13

    Chapter 3a: Is Red My Color

    Base Camp, Antioch "Morning, Astroneer," the doctor said, sighing as she let her air mask hang from her neck as she sat down, datapad in hand. "Now, you said that you've been experiencing some strange symptoms after we went through the node from Outremer?" "Morning Doc." Vinsue said. "Yea, I...
  9. Acewing13

    Chapter 3: Newer Frontiers

    Outremer System, O-1/Bohemond, En Route to New Martoille (Theradectan Colony) "Flight 301, Walpole," the radio squawked. "You're clear for landing at NMT airfield. Over." "Walpole, Flight 301," the Gleesman's pilot replied as he flicked a couple of switches. "Copy, clear for landing at NMT...
  10. Acewing13

    Chapter 2: Invasion or Cooperation?

    Outremer System, O-1/Bohemond, Base Alpha RTTTT. RTTTTTTTT. RTTTT. Caleb grimmaced as he fired another burst into the swarming mass of spiders, turning to run again as he tossed the empty magazine aside. "Keep going, keep going!" he yelled as he reloaded. "We'll never make it," another...
  11. Acewing13

    NTNN - Exclusive In-Depth Report on the Outremer Expedition

    "Welcome back to the Nine-Tails News Network, I'm Siena Tsang," the anchor said, her smile the best money could buy. "We've got an exclusive report on the Outremer Expedition, whose trials and tribulations were rumors for months before finally being confirmed last week by ISOC. Thanks to our...
  12. Acewing13

    Chapter 1a: Training the Nerds

    Eliza stood in a haphazardly made training room. It was, in essence, a storage room with all the storage pushed to the side, allowing for a really small gun range. On the wall, she placed two targets, the visage of a human man with several ranges tranced along it denoting different points for...
  13. Acewing13

    Species Application - Theradectans

    Technically already in RP, but need to get them on the wiki. Will be working on the society stuff, including their magitech, in the coming weeks, cause I need to get that done for the next phase of Outremer. The docs are view only, so don't worry about breaking anything. XD...
  14. Acewing13

    Earth Geography

    I was working on the Turkey-Egypt Pact and that lead to thinking about the Mediterranean and how it'd been impacted by rising sea levels. With that, I think we could adapt an idea for our own purposes, Atlantropa. Now, actually going through draining the Med is a bad idea, mostly cause it'd ruin...
  15. Acewing13

    Chapter 1: Intermission - Bee & Žana

    Late March, 2320 Daheim Zwei, Sol System "Uggh, bored," Beatrix said to her otherwise empty room, putting down the game controller in a huff. "Knew I should have downloaded more stuff before we left." You know it's bad when you're talking to yourself, she thought as she shook her head. Let's...
  16. Acewing13

    Chapter 1: Anomaly

    Outremer System, O-1/Bohemond, Base Alpha Caleb sighed, leaning against the rock outcropping, getting as comfortable as he could with the facemask and it's attached filter. While I appreciate the ability to not be stuck in a pressure suit, he thought, looking at the foreign red dwarf sun rise...