• Nobles of Null is a forum based roleplay site where sci-fi and magic collide. Here, Earth remains fractured and divided despite humanity reaching out to the stars. Worse still, the trans-human slaves of one major power have escaped, only to establish their own Empire, seething with resentment at abuses of the past. Even the discovery of aliens, though medieval in development, has failed to rally these squabbling children of Earth together with its far darker implications. Worse still, is the discovery of the impossible - magic. Practiced by the alien locals, nearly depleted and therefore rare, its reality warping abilities remains abstract and distant to the general populace. All the while, unseen in the darkness of space, forces from without threaten to press in. For those with eyes opened by insight, it is clear that an era is about to end, and that a new age will dawn.


This page can be used as a building block in other pages.


{{{content_1_1}}} {{{content_1_2}}} ...... {{{content_1_9}}}
{{{content_2_1}}} ...... {{{content_2_9}}}
{{{content_5_1}}} ...... {{{content_5_9}}}
This template is intended as a meta template: a template used for constructing other templates. In general, it is not meant for use directly in an page, but can be used on one-off basis if required.

Template Code



This template is intended to be used when creating new Infoboxes. For example, it could be used to create a character Infobox, or a nation Infobox, or a creature Infobox, etc. Each group header can be defined along with each row's label and content variable.


Design Parameters

Defines the border-color style of the infobox. This can either be defined or left as a parameter for the end-user to define. The color can be expressed in any way valid HTML color code, such as its name, hex code, RGB, and HSL.​
Defines the font-color style of the {{{name}}} parameter. This can either be defined or left as a parameter for the end-user to define. The color can be expressed in any way valid HTML color code, such as its name, hex code, RGB, and HSL.​
Defines the background-color style of the {{{name}}} parameter. This can either be defined or left as a parameter for the end-user to define. The color can be expressed in any way valid HTML color code, such as its name, hex code, RGB, and HSL.​
Defines the font-color style of the group headers. This can either be defined or left as a parameter for the end-user to define. The color can be expressed in any way valid HTML color code, such as its name, hex code, RGB, and HSL.​
Defines the font-color style of the data labels and content. This can either be defined or left as a parameter for the end-user to define. The color can be expressed in any way valid HTML color code, such as its name, hex code, RGB, and HSL.​
Defines the background-color style of the data labels and content. This can either be defined or left as a parameter for the end-user to define. The color can be expressed in any way valid HTML color code, such as its name, hex code, RGB, and HSL.​


Normally, this will be {{{image}}} just to pass the parameter onto the template being created. The image requires a direct URL link and will be resized to a 250px width.​
Normally, this will be
just to pass the parameter onto the template being created. If a name is not given, then the page's name will be used by default.​


This parameter sets the group label. Groups are sections in the Infobox that may cover common information - such as Biographical Info for character Infoboxes or Geographical Info for location Infoboxes. A group will be hidden if it has no data labels and content parameters.​
This parameter sets the data label - which is shown on the left side of the Infobox. X indicates the group this data label is under. Y indicates its position - 1 being the closest to the group header. A data label will normally be something such as "Age" for a character Infobox, or "Region" for a location Infobox. A data label will be hidden if it has no associated content.​
This parameter sets the data label's content. This is normally defined as a parameter itself, such as "{{{age}}}" for when the data label is "Age". The numbers must match the associated data point label. Content requires a defined data label to appear.​



Biographical information
{{{birthplace}}} {{{birth}}} {{{death}}}
Physical description
{{{race}}} {{{subrace}}} {{{gender}}}
Political information
{{{affiliation}}} {{{masters}}} {{{apprentices}}}
Out-of-character information
{{{writer}}} {{{created}}} {{{avatar}}}
When this template is used to create a template named "Infobox_character" with the following code:
|group_1=Biographical information
|group_2=Physical description
|group_3=Political information
|group_4=Out-of-character information
|data_4_2=Created on


Biographical information
Cydra's Kingdom
Physical description
Human Male
Political information
Cydra's Kingdom Cydra
Out-of-character information
Mason August 3, 2018 Cullen from Dragon Age: Inquisition
The following code can then be used on character pages to create an Infobox:
|birthplace=Cydra's Kingdom
|affiliation=Cydra's Kingdom
|created=August 3, 2018
|avatar=Cullen from Dragon Age: Inquisition
Notice how groups and data rows that are not used are hidden. It is not necessary to give all groups and data rows values, nor is it necessary for the end user of the generated template to use all data rows or groups.


The base infobox can be expanded. Currently, there are a maximum of 5 groups each with 9 data/content combos. Any requests for expansions should be posted in the discussion for this template.


Thank you to Chronicles RP for providing not only their infoboxes and allowing us to use their code, but for the time they took to help us get it working!

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