• Nobles of Null is a forum based roleplay site where sci-fi and magic collide. Here, Earth remains fractured and divided despite humanity reaching out to the stars. Worse still, the trans-human slaves of one major power have escaped, only to establish their own Empire, seething with resentment at abuses of the past. Even the discovery of aliens, though medieval in development, has failed to rally these squabbling children of Earth together with its far darker implications. Worse still, is the discovery of the impossible - magic. Practiced by the alien locals, nearly depleted and therefore rare, its reality warping abilities remains abstract and distant to the general populace. All the while, unseen in the darkness of space, forces from without threaten to press in. For those with eyes opened by insight, it is clear that an era is about to end, and that a new age will dawn.

Diguo Junshi Ranks


The leader of the Dàqín Dìguó and its military, the Dìguó Jūnshì. The role of Emperor or Empress is traditionally abdicated every few decades with a new leader taking on the role.

Executive RanksNotes
Zhùlǐ Dānwèi Sì (助理单位四)

Banner Officers

The Bāqí (八旗) or "Eight Banners" each mark the most elite war fleet of the Daqin Empire, with each of the Wǔ Hǔjiàng (五虎將) or "Five Tiger Generals" claiming one amongst their fleets. As these officers either vie for or participate in upholding a banner, they are called Banner Officers.

Banner Officer Ranks​
Literal Translation​
Westernized Translation​
Wǔ Hǔjiàng (五虎將)[1]
Five Tiger Generals​
Command of Several Fleets and Attached Armies, Oversees a Military Theater of War
Yījí Shàngjiàng(一級上將)​
First Class Upper Leader​
Fleet Admiral/Field Marshal​
Commanding Officer of a Major Fleet of the Diguo Junshi
Èrjí Shàngjiàng (二級上將)​
Second Class Upper Leader​
Zhōngjiàng (中将)​
Middle Leader​
Vice Admira/Lieutenant Generall[2]
Shaojiàng (少將)​
Junior Leader​
Major General/Rear Admiral​
Often Commands a Bù (部 - Department of 1000): Literally "Department", Battalion, Cruiser, Medium Carrier

Officer Ranks

The Officer corps is made up of professional warriors, often purpose-born to earn and fill their roles.

Officer Ranks​
Literal Translation​
Westernized Translation​
Shàngxiào (上校)​
Upper Field Officer​
Often Commands a Qū (曲 - River of 500): Literally "River", Company, Destroyer, Frigate, Light Carrier
Zhōngxiào (中校)​
Middle Field Officer​
Commander/Lieutenant Colonel[4]
Shàoxiào (少校)​
Junior Field Officer​
Major/Lieutenant Commander[5]
Often Commands a Tún (屯 - 50): Literally "Village of 50", Platoon, Corvette
Shàngwèi (上尉)​
Upper Officer​
Zhōngwèi (中尉)​
Middle Officer​
Lieutenant Junior Grade​
Shàowèi (少尉)​
Junior Officer​
Second Lieutenant/Ensign​

Non-Commissioned Officers and Enlisted Ranks

The enlisted ranks are filled with professional warriors and soldiers who sign on to join and serve for a short period of time.

Warrior Ranks​
Literal Translation​
Westernized Translation​
Yīděng Shìguānzhǎng (一等士官長)​
First Class Warrior Commander​
Master Sergeant First Class​
Often Commands a Shí (什 - Ten): Refers to 10 Troopers, Squad
Èrděng Shìguānzhǎng (二等士官長)​
Second Class Warrior Commander​
Master Sergeant Second Class​
Sānděng Shìguānzhǎng (三等士官長)​
Third Class Warrior Commander​
Master Sergeant Third Class​
Shàngshi (上士)​
Upper Warrior​
Zhōngshi (中士)​
Middle Warrior​
Staff Sergeant​
First of the Non-Commissioned Officers
Xiàshi (下士)​
Lower Warrior​
Often Commands a Wǔ (五 - Five): Fireteam
Shàngděng Bīng (上等兵)​
Upper Class Soldier​
Basic Ranks, Serve as Troops and Ship Crewmembers
Yīděng Bīng (一等兵)​
First Class Soldier​
Private First Class​
Èrděng Bīng (二等兵)​
Second Class Soldier​
Private Second Class​

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