Nobles of Null

cad_banks Printable version

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Cad Banks

Cad Banks

Biographical information
Hawking 2295 26
Physical description
Human Low Cyborg Female 5'11" / 180cm Put Weight measured in Imperial and Metric Please! strawberry blonde blue Caucasian
Political Information
The Magnetic Assembly Engineer
Out-of-Character Information

Cad Banks is an engineer who worked onboard The Edward Deming as part of the Hayden 2 refit programs. As part of her work she ended up being inducted into The Magnetic Assembly and then would be put in charge of rebuild of starships captured from The American Union


Cad is an up and coming professional who is a bit overwhelmed with the level of tasks being handed to her by the Assembly, but is ultimately quite proud of the work she and her team have completed.

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