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blougan_type_armored_crawler Printable version

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Blougan Type Armoured Crawler


An unnecessarily large, cumbersome and lumbering vehicle, the Blougan is none the less quite well armoured, and carries a powerful twin autocannon in a small turret at the front. It can carry up to six people (eight including the driver and gunner), or about 5x5x4ft of cargo. The top speed is about 50-60 MPH on open ground, and it runs on peat like just about all Grawla vehicles.
It is very old, a product of the defunct Hrufan Clan which was exported world wide at some point eighty years ago. Not particularly hard to get hold of, and the design is often modified into various other roles. Removing the turret and adding a heavy machinegun instead is pretty common, since it increases the range and cargo space.

Vehicle Rating
Armour5Firepower2 to 3~
Weapon Range4Travel Range500 km per refuel

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