Nobles of Null

Blood Cross Articles of Agreement Printable version

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Blood Cross Articles of Agreement

All warriors of The Blood Cross aspire to be better than they were yesterday. This leads us to embark on an everlasting quest for perfection, a personal pursuit unending; untouched by pride, and unspoiled by ego. As we strive to become more, we understand our personal failures, but do not accept them. At all times we stand defiantly against our faults and vie against our own shortcomings to see them come to an end. We are The Blood Cross, built upon our desire for perfection and fueled by our will to obtain it. We take the moon with an iron grasp, and never stop reaching for the stars beyond. Every battlefield is a training ground, every mistake is a lesson. We strive to be better people as well as warriors. We know and solemnly accept that perfection is something that no mortal creature can achieve, but by our undying will we shall always strive to be something more. No matter our power, we will always yearn for further greatness and humbly accept our triumphs as they come to pass. Greatness is our life long pursuit, and it shall follow us beyond the grave.-Unknown warrior of The Blood Cross

Blood Cross Articles of Agreement are subdivided into two equally important documents required to be signed by all employees of the Blood Cross, LLC.

Blood Cross Articles of Etiquette

The first is the Articles of Etiquette. With the Blood Cross an all volunteer at will organization, rules and behavior must be established for orderly and fair conduct within the company and the greater Blood Cross organization. The Articles of Etiquette are meant to frame interactions between members of the Blood Cross. The articles named will be followed by all members and are codified as such:

  • To the matter of respect, the Blood Cross follows the Golden Rule: treat others as you wish to be treated - with respect and dignity. We do not disparage other units, giving no disrespect. We may, however, discuss the weaknesses of other units during strategy and planning sessions.
  • To the matter of pride, we win accolades and praise through our victories in battle, not through speeches or oration.
  • To the matter of disagreement, attempt to resolve matters peacefully, with respect and dignity.
  • To the matter of cowardice and desertion while bound by contract, punishment will be decided by a quorum of Blooded up to and including termination of contract, shares forfeited, or death.
  • To the matter of battery, no physical assault of another Blood Cross member on board ship or on mission will be tolerated.
  • To the matter of theft, robbery of another Blood Cross member in excess of one Werner will result in cancellation of contract, forfeiture of pay, and genetics purged from the Roles of the Blooded. In addition, this punishment can/will be executed even within mission or away from SteinBar Manor. Truth of theft will be determined by evidence as well as by voluntary truth serum administration.
  • To the matter of discussion and deliberation, every member is allowed, per seniority, to have a say in all open affairs of the Blood Cross. Voting will be limited to those who are inducted into the ranks of the Blooded.
  • To the matter of readiness of arms, Every Warrior of the Blood Cross must see to the maintenance and readiness of their weapons and tools of trade. Those found to be deficient will forfeit their share of the Compensation Agreement.
  • To the matter of dissolution of the Blood Cross, no person will discuss dissolution of The Blood Cross, either as a whole organization or for a company within The Blood Cross while on mission. All deliberations are to be completed by The Blooded in between contracts as well as any liquefaction of assets prior to another contract being accepted.
Every quarrel may be settled by Vendetta, Arbitrated by a senior Blood Cross officer [Lochagos or Lochias] or by The Blood Cross Warmaster if between two Lochagos. If a lower member wishes to pursue a Vendetta against a senior member, A Lochagos or other senior member must sponsor the Junior member’s claim of Vendetta. A claim of Vendetta against the Warmaster must be seconded by two Lochagos and will require an agreed upon Arbiter from the ranks of the Blooded.

All members are expected to read and understand the Articles of Etiquette, both the spirit and the letter as written.

Blood Cross Compensation Agreement

The second is the compensation Agreement. While we are a family first, we are still vigilantes and mercenaries. As like most warbands, the shares and pay is reflective of the success of the Group. Thus to the matter of division of spoils and wages:

  • Every member has equal rights to necessary provisions and supplies. No hoarding will be tolerated.
  • The upkeep and provisioning of all combat assets will be paid and fulfilled before disbursements are given to Blood Cross members.
  • Any purchases of new combat wargear will be voted upon by the Blooded in attendance while on mission, or at the quarterly quorum conducted by Blood Cross command at a location of the choosing by the Blooded.
  • The Warmaster will receive one share from all Blood Cross operations.
  • The operational command Lochagos will receive three shares, all other lochagos will receive two and a half shares.
  • Each Lochias will receive two shares as well as the senior tech Lochias.
  • Each Frame Warrior, regardless of machine piloted, will receive one and a half shares.
  • Each other combat rated Warrior will receive one share.
  • Each non-combat rated Blood Cross personnel will receive one half share.
  • Each signatory of the Compensation Agreement will specify a beneficiary or next of kin who will be given the deceased person’s affects and shares owed.

The Blooded

After a successful mission, a member may petition the current ranks of The Blooded for induction into the ranks of The Blooded. Acquiring the rank of Blooded carries several rights and as well as responsibilities. The rank of Blooded affirms:
  • A vote in all affairs pertaining to The Blood Cross outside of Contract execution unless requested by the commanding Lochagos.
  • Seniority in open discussions.
  • Preference in promotion.
  • Preference in frame assignment.
  • Permanent lodging with The Blood Cross.
  • Required participation with contracts as determined by Blood Cross command.
  • Oaths of fealty to The Blooded and their duly elected leadership. These oaths of fealty are binding by pain of death.

OOC Notes