• Nobles of Null is a forum based roleplay site where sci-fi and magic collide. Here, Earth remains fractured and divided despite humanity reaching out to the stars. Worse still, the trans-human slaves of one major power have escaped, only to establish their own Empire, seething with resentment at abuses of the past. Even the discovery of aliens, though medieval in development, has failed to rally these squabbling children of Earth together with its far darker implications. Worse still, is the discovery of the impossible - magic. Practiced by the alien locals, nearly depleted and therefore rare, its reality warping abilities remains abstract and distant to the general populace. All the while, unseen in the darkness of space, forces from without threaten to press in. For those with eyes opened by insight, it is clear that an era is about to end, and that a new age will dawn.

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  1. C

    Chapter 4: First Trial

    Cindy felt exited, the feel of screen on the tip of the fingers. They followed along james, adding messy words as they immersed themselves into the comm. They lied back on their seat and stretched when finished.
  2. C

    Chapter 4: First Trial

    Cindy rolled off their bed and floated off their bunk and they hurriedly swam to clutch onto their bed latches. They took the water bag and drank from it, pushing themselves from the bed towards where they kept their bag. They ruffled through the bag, searching for something when their hand...
  3. C

    Chapter 3: Preparations

    Their shoulders relaxed and they became more comfortable with Marcus as they talked. "Yeah its al, alright. I have a little sister so I want to work to get enough money to raise her. I might be young but spaceship in general is my speciality and its something i really love." Cindy smiles, then...
  4. C

    Chapter 3: Preparations

    "Oh hey." "Yeah I'm, I'm kinda new to zero g." They hoped their voice didn't reveal how nervous they were as they held onto the table like their lives depended on it. "Uh, I'm Cindy, you probably already know that haha." Their chuckle was tensed as sweat droplets glided from their skin, they...
  5. C

    Chapter 3: Preparations

    "Yeah sure." They pushed themselves with their feet, drifting to the bridge while flailing. When they approached the bridge, they held onto the walls for support and checked their datapad. "Okay, you got this. This is normal in space." They muttered to themselves as they configured the coil gun...
  6. C

    Chapter 3: Preparations

    Cindy grumbled, they hated being instructed like they didn't know anything. James said heir code was too 'complicated', 'went slower, when there was better method'and other words they didn't process as their frustration grew. But they gave in after being explained like a toddler and arguing with...
  7. C

    Chapter 2: Gathering

    "I didn't come here to bloody my hand, my guy." They hit their fist on the table with their smile, glaring at relaxed james. But immediately turned to the captain. "Anyways, got this chip that can make any screen have a code similar to pixel block game, its gonna screw their screen for sure."...
  8. C

    Chapter 2: Gathering

    They shift uncomfortably in their seat when the robot begins to speak. When it said there would be no survivors, they were shocked. The idea of causing death to others was what they were not used to but if it earned them money to live, then it was worth it? Besides, people die daily from...
  9. C

    Chapter 2: Gathering

    She thought about it, the plan they had was Very brave. And can get them killed from a single slip up but she had another plan that could work, maybe. "We could, you know, pretend we're working there so we can just enter into the meteor, take their ship and do our thing." She suggested.
  10. C

    Chapter 2: Gathering

    She chugged the entire bloody mary in one drink and coughed. "That is a good idea. But the thing is, does the whole meteor have security because that will pose some issues." They said while wiping their mouth with napkins.
  11. C

    Chapter 2: Gathering

    She was reading this task continuously, rereading over again just to absorb the words. First impression of her companions was that they were going get her killed. Especially savanna and that bloodlusting robot, but if she can get the money... then it's worth it? "Can I just... can I get bloody...
  12. C

    Chapter 2: Gathering

    Cindy just holds her forehead, sighing at what she has just heard and seen, already regretting to even Dream of this job. She took a glass of water and drank it all and turned her entire body towards Alex, tired look with dark circles made her look older, waiting for Alex's response. I already...
  13. C

    Chapter 2: Gathering

    They was shocked, more like baffled how people reacted to a very creepy robot strangling a live person while talking how amusing it was for him to see humans scared. It was their dream job, sure but they did not plan to come here to immediately die. "Is- is this normal thing here? Yall see...
  14. C

    Chapter 2: Gathering

    Cindy just started this job, they never really thought they would be working with spaceship. So it confused them since they were an indentured slave, as they walked nervously in the bar with environment that was completely different from what they were used to. They sat at the vacant seat...