• Nobles of Null is a forum based roleplay site where sci-fi and magic collide. Here, Earth remains fractured and divided despite humanity reaching out to the stars. Worse still, the trans-human slaves of one major power have escaped, only to establish their own Empire, seething with resentment at abuses of the past. Even the discovery of aliens, though medieval in development, has failed to rally these squabbling children of Earth together with its far darker implications. Worse still, is the discovery of the impossible - magic. Practiced by the alien locals, nearly depleted and therefore rare, its reality warping abilities remains abstract and distant to the general populace. All the while, unseen in the darkness of space, forces from without threaten to press in. For those with eyes opened by insight, it is clear that an era is about to end, and that a new age will dawn.

Search results

  1. Piston1937

    Temple of Destruction

    Jake took a short breath which was visible to the camera as it swapped back to him and the baron, the cleric had shifted from his lazing position to an upright posture. “Now before I reveal their contestants I’d like to tell you all that the people from Nanotrasen are excited to reveal a new...
  2. Piston1937

    Day in the Life: Second Battle of Triton

    “Confirmed data received, adjusting thrust vector.” Captain Aleksandr Kozevnikov replied and began giving out commands to what crew he had. The dirty blonde mess of hair floated in the zero g as the ship began to reorient itself.
  3. Piston1937

    Chapter 5: Voidward Preparations

    Jamison would agree on that fact, also the fact that unless they were going to blow it up then the databanks weren’t going anywhere and were more likely to still be intact after a raid, or at least less able to fight back if someone wanted to cover their trail. He indicated this with a nod of...
  4. Piston1937

    Chapter 5: Voidward Preparations

    Jamison grumbled from the corner, he had his own personal opinion of this situation and it wasn’t a good one. However he decided to stay out of the discussion and just stand off to the side and wait to either be addressed or for something to happen where he could actually be of use.
  5. Piston1937

    Chapter 4: Stalin Rain

    Jamison took one look at the man and sighed loudly. "There goes my afternoon." Since the table was between him and his current task the hulk of a man flipped it to the side letting it slam into the wall as he advanced on his target. "You know I was kinda hoping you'd resist." He said this as...
  6. Piston1937

    Chapter 4: Stalin Rain

    Jamison continued to sit there, like some imposing murder machine. On the inside however he was really starting to regret the stunt with the chair as his arm started flaring up and the jagged edges were definetly not fun to sit on. But like with most situations he grit his teeth and was...
  7. Piston1937

    Chapter 4: Stalin Rain

    Jamison looked at the door and sighed internaly. He knew he was a big intimidating person and it's not like this was the first time he had roughed something out of someone. At least this time he was doing it in an actual room instead of a back alley with a tire iron and glass shards. Taking...
  8. Piston1937

    Early fold ship design

    The Kingdom doesn't actualy have warships.
  9. Piston1937

    Chapter 4: Stalin Rain

    With nothing bad having happened, in the corridor he was facing at least, Jamison decided that he could take the strain off his broken shoulder and lowered the weapon to lay across his chest. Even that small movement made his shouler flare up with white hot pain but gritting his teeth he moved...
  10. Piston1937

    Chapter 4: Stalin Rain

    Jamison didn't trust everything was over, though as his adreniline was dimming out and his shoulder was really starting to hurt. He did howerver keep his weapon focused on the corridor.
  11. Piston1937

    Chapter 3: Fire and Ice

    Jami waited and watched the empty corridor. It wasn't his job to worry about what he assumed from the sounds was a successful manuver. Though with his free arm, the barricade was deployed on the ground, he pulled out a portable splint which he started putting on his definetly broken arm...
  12. Piston1937

    Chapter 3: Fire and Ice

    Jamison heard the words non lethal combined with the image in his hud and took up the rear guard position looking down the corridor in case someone or some thing decided to blindside them. He did feel a bit bad about forcing Bee into the position of meatshield but say what you will about...
  13. Piston1937

    Chapter 3: Fire and Ice

    Jamison grunted as he felt the bullet roll around again the shattered bone in his shoulder luckily the biofilm dulled it enough to be bearable. The giant lug using his good arm forced himself to his feet and picked up his barricade ready to continue the mission, though in this case he’d be...
  14. Piston1937

    Chapter 3: Fire and Ice

    One of the bullets took Castle in the left shoulder shatting the bone and remaining lodged there. The grunt rolled over slamming the metal barricade into the floor where it covered the lower half of thehallway, and himself from further incoming fire. Gritting his teeth he raised his broken arm...
  15. Piston1937

    Chapter 3: Fire and Ice

    Leaving his heavy weapon stored Jamison grabbed Ebberhard by the backplate and pulled himself out from behind the corner while yanking their commander behind the safety of the arm mounted barricade the grunt used as a shield. The large piece of metal lacking a view port Jamison didn’t attempt...
  16. Piston1937

    Chapter 3: Fire and Ice

    "Castle here." Jamison's voice rumbled into the mic as the man walked with the assistance if his exosuit, allowing him to carry the large pack and weapon he carried around. Jamison checked his gear one last time as he listened to the data being spooged by the tech person. Gun, loaded and...
  17. The Merci Guard

    One mercenary band funded by a parent corporation. This group of mech pilots must fight for their lives, jobs, and their boss.
  18. Piston1937

    Chapter One: Kick It In The Sticks

    June 15th, 3020 Delta Zagreus System Zagreus iii Dominik Fraser was growing worried. Most of his team was down and out. These Blood Cross boys were better than he expected. At first he was worried about the atrocity unleashed by the Blood Cross, but it was fairly easy to neutralize. Like a...
  19. Piston1937

    Chapter One: Kick It In The Sticks

    June 15th, 3020 Delta Zagreus System Zagreus iii The five remaining enemy Warmongers divided, three approaching the Alpha group while two split off to engage the convoy of Bravo and Charlie groups. Lasers and autocannons began to reach across the distance as Bravo and Charlie traded fire with...
  20. Piston1937

    Chapter 2: Practice Makes Perfect

    Nodding with his helmeted head still in the fridge Jami grabbed a pair of water bottles in one hand and with the other he grabbed what he sincerly hoped was bread, or something bread like they somehow cooked up in a lab to look like bread, maybe a bread substitute that tastes like cardboard...