• Nobles of Null is a forum based roleplay site where sci-fi and magic collide. Here, Earth remains fractured and divided despite humanity reaching out to the stars. Worse still, the trans-human slaves of one major power have escaped, only to establish their own Empire, seething with resentment at abuses of the past. Even the discovery of aliens, though medieval in development, has failed to rally these squabbling children of Earth together with its far darker implications. Worse still, is the discovery of the impossible - magic. Practiced by the alien locals, nearly depleted and therefore rare, its reality warping abilities remains abstract and distant to the general populace. All the while, unseen in the darkness of space, forces from without threaten to press in. For those with eyes opened by insight, it is clear that an era is about to end, and that a new age will dawn.

Search results

  1. Uso

    VotO: Hostile Waters

    Atlantica Northern Ice Flow On approach to the Charophyte Oasis The hallways of the ship were taken up by drones moving equipment around as the “Test Model 2” cut through the cold waters in the North of Atlantica. It was one of the few ships that the Magnetic Assembly had taken at the start of...
  2. Uso

    Book 7: The poisoned lands

    https://docs.google.com/document/d/19a7xRunEcwME9jpm7O6HwOs6EtAUkT6ixEzUfk_y6sw/edit?usp=sharing The crew starts a journey into the poisoned lands of the norther islands.
  3. Uso

    Echoni Stories 8: 410

    https://docs.google.com/document/d/17gNj39ZInKdFriH72DqdmhDfFPtpJUUEgKePXb3b4t8/edit?usp=sharing 3 chapters of 410 getting to know the world
  4. Uso

    VotO Book 5: Vows of Neptune

    Finally getting around to posting the latest https://docs.google.com/document/d/14Odo5HQUHeWQgC0m8u4s9Lv4uEAfVvKBaCT6rYSc6LQ/edit?usp=sharing
  5. Uso

    Echoni Stories 7: 537

    A big block of 537's story! https://docs.google.com/document/d/1rGzXlXtkCPWdqW9LZOU2t1BWmyMTmL0KGxnrnN04byg/edit?usp=sharing
  6. Uso

    Fusion Engine thread

    Wanted to get this video added to the site, and annotate it a bit for if we need it later: 0:32 : What is fusion? 1:41 : Magnetic Confinement Reactors 2:00 : Stellarator Magnetic Confinement Reactor 2:05 : Inertial Confinement Reactor 2:51 : Pinch Reactors (z-pinch / theta pinch) 3:48 ...
  7. Uso

    The Flare

    Stein's fantastic Soyuz Research Document now in PDF form!
  8. Uso

    Obsidian.md : A local wiki-like tool for lore collection

    https://obsidian.md/ The population of /r/worldbuilding seems to be pretty happy with it. It may be something worth looking at later. It works like a wiki, uses markdown, and runs using files on your local machine:
  9. Uso

    VotO Book 4: Works and Days

  10. Uso

    Particle Beams

  11. Uso

    Fusion Reactor Designs

    Tokamak The Tokamak is the conventional fusion reactor used today IRL. They take in more energy than they put out but that's true of every fusion reactor right now anyways. It is basically a big donut, plasma is squeezed by the electrical fields of the Tokamak inside of the Donut to create...
  12. Uso

    An Introduction to Dusty Plasma Radiators

    Dusty Plasma is small bits of dust being held in a plasma. Plasma in a nutshell is a gas that responds to electrical fields. The idea behind a Dusty Plasma Radiator is that you could dump your heat into a material, and then send it away from the ship to cool off. The benefits according to some...
  13. Uso

    Echoni Stories 6: 844

  14. Uso


    Monopoles are magnets with just one charge (so positive or negative only). We probably won't be using them here, as they likely aren't possible to make, but if they were possible there are some applications: Taken from...
  15. Uso

    Wintergate Harbor: Weirdos go looking for things

    Wintergate Harbor Google Docs Link
  16. Uso


    Pattycakes Google Docs link Hawking System New Cambridge Archology 24 Wazu’s face was laying down on the countertop among floating displays and increasingly strong coffee-drinks. There were messages from the CCM regarding the fate of his current ground-team leader aboard the deming. There...
  17. Uso

    IRL Laser Turrets

    In case you want to know what laser turrets actually look like, the laser communication subreddit posted a small gallery of devices:
  18. Uso

    Ground Vehicles and Active Protection

    An idea based on these two articles. https://www.tanknology.co.uk/post/combined-arms-aps https://www.tanknology.co.uk/post/self-deploying-afvs The two main takeaways being: Active Protection Systems tend to kill everything on the side of the vehicle being attacked. Overlapping APS on...
  19. Uso

    Book 6: Celestial Empires

    https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ioE0q_S2kn9zI_n1bR5XdM-KzevYP8vQ2USLsGQWoa0/edit?usp=sharing The first chapter of book 6 is up.
  20. Uso

    Hybrid Chemical/Electrical guns

    What reason is there for a combination Chemical/Electrical gun? Sure, you could build a conventional chemically powered gun with black powder and everything, and then further accelerate the bullet with a coilgun at the end... but my initial thought was that this would be needless complex. Would...