• Nobles of Null is a forum based roleplay site where sci-fi and magic collide. Here, Earth remains fractured and divided despite humanity reaching out to the stars. Worse still, the trans-human slaves of one major power have escaped, only to establish their own Empire, seething with resentment at abuses of the past. Even the discovery of aliens, though medieval in development, has failed to rally these squabbling children of Earth together with its far darker implications. Worse still, is the discovery of the impossible - magic. Practiced by the alien locals, nearly depleted and therefore rare, its reality warping abilities remains abstract and distant to the general populace. All the while, unseen in the darkness of space, forces from without threaten to press in. For those with eyes opened by insight, it is clear that an era is about to end, and that a new age will dawn.

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  1. Trell0

    Chapter 2: The Ruins Are Alive

    "Wilco on being silent and back up for the young and healthy." Korofi will give a silent nod to Rafael and stick close to him and the group of soldiers formed up on him. He will move with as much as care as he was able to make the least amount of noise, while switching from his pistol and back...
  2. Trell0

    Chapter 2: The Ruins Are Alive

    Korofi for once in a long while during all of this gave an actual groan at the thought of going up there. "I'd like to file a complaint, which I think as a superstar I get one of those at least. Stairs are horrible and take work---shit that's right I work anyway. That joke came around to hit me...
  3. Trell0

    Chapter 2: The Ruins Are Alive

    Korofi chuckled for a brief moment without pain. The small victories counted for something, at least personally to him. He responded to Vlad, "They at least could have left us high and dry with some good stuff to drink and with a goodbye to boot." Then he turned to respond to Doug. "Well look...
  4. Trell0

    Chapter 2: The Ruins Are Alive

    Korofi for awhile was surprisingly somber after seeing the charred corpses for earlier and seemed to be keeping his focus on moving along, on purpose keeping to the back and out of sight as much as he could. There didn't seem to be any intense pain, but mostly discomfort from particular twists...
  5. Trell0

    Chapter 1: Vital Signs Unwelcome

    Korofi couldn't help but to laugh at the jokes directed at him, which on purpose he held his good side to try hold back some of the pain. He gritted his teeth and now spoke to most of the members over their comms. "Hah who needs a gym membership when you're on one heck of a burn diet, guaranteed...
  6. Trell0

    Chapter 1: Vital Signs Unwelcome

    First Korofi did as instructed earlier taking the pain killers, which a sign he was taking that seriously was the lack of comment or even joke on that matter. Then came that white foam and with it intense pain, which made him grit his teeth and cause his vision to fade for a brief moment due to...
  7. Trell0

    Chapter 1: Vital Signs Unwelcome

    Korofi through his hail of gunfire gave a chuckle and yelled out while firing at the time. "Tougher than I thought, but something will get through eventually! Scared of my bullets or scared of my ugliness I bring to this fight!?" Once they paused for a moment? His job was done, more so when he...
  8. Trell0

    Chapter 1: Vital Signs Unwelcome

    Korofi believed his cover was great covering him from shots and possibly creepy little creatures, until the heated purple energy came and seemed to ruin all of that. An abrupt response of "Damn!" came before he leapt out of his cover and over to another desk in the area. A brief moment was taken...
  9. Trell0

    Chapter 1: Vital Signs Unwelcome

    Korofi didn't seem to show it, but he was surprised the centipede-like smaller creature seemed to have come out of nowhere and go for one of them. Jurgen no less, which made him wonder if they had some form of knowing who was in command? It could have been weird animal instinct seeing him give...
  10. Trell0

    Chapter 1: Vital Signs Unwelcome

    Korofi got ready to move forward with Vladimir, but not before speaking of his complaints, "I'm apalled, offended, flabbergasted that the Sergeant Mafia Don agrees with Lars!" Upon hearing that warning he would cover his eyes with his arm for a brief moment, which once the bang went off? He...
  11. Trell0

    Chapter 1: Vital Signs Unwelcome

    "Scratchy sounds? I'd normally say it's some thirsty sucker from a hard night of partying and drinking, but I don't think there's been a party here. Also in case I don't get a chance later, my contract says medevac comes with parties and liquor of all kinds. Except beer, that is nasty." The...
  12. Trell0

    Chapter 1: Vital Signs Unwelcome

    Korofi nodded in acknowledgement of Jurgens' order for him, which he moved up and crouched at one of the covering positions. Also at this time he swapped out the magazine of his M17 for another one, all the while keeping the old one just in case. "No damage on me Sergeant Boss Man, although do...
  13. Trell0

    Chapter 1: Vital Signs Unwelcome

    Korofi moved up along the desks and cubicle walls hoping to stay in cover from any needles that may come around. However upon hearing the gunfire onto the alien? One part of him told to take place in what he viewed as the potential slaughter of this alien. The other part? Potential paranoia that...
  14. Trell0

    Chapter 1: Vital Signs Unwelcome

    "Moving up Sergeant Boss Man!" Korofi ran forward with his rifle pointed forward in front of him, which upon seeing the creature crawling backwards between the aisles? He fired a couple of controlled bursts in the creatures general direction. Uncertain if whether or not he hit? He started to...
  15. Trell0

    Chapter 1: Vital Signs Unwelcome

    Korofi was about to fire more shots from his pistol into the creature until it made it's hasty retreat. Which he took that opportunity to holster his pistol and switch to his rifle; taking a brief moment to swipe his thumb over the scratches on it. "Ready and able to move out Boss Man." He took...
  16. Trell0

    Chapter 1: Vital Signs Unwelcome

    Korofi was in the middle of giving a response. "Easy there Sergeant? Captain? General? Boss Man---" Then his attention diverted to the HUD, which he was seeing them flicker in and out in his display. He grimaced at the thought of trouble being afoot here already, which he was preparing to...
  17. Trell0

    Chapter 1: Vital Signs Unwelcome

    Korofi shook his head at the comment from Rafael and responded to him. "No one can do Corporal Rafael Romero. Can't run from responsibility last I checked." He now began making his way over to the other soldiers, but not before taking a moment to contemplate the dead he went passed along the...
  18. Trell0

    Chapter 1: Vital Signs Unwelcome

    The man almost jumped at the voice in his communicator, which he shrugged his shoulders and gave a light cough. "I don't see you in person, else I'd give a salute. I'm Korofi errr was private second class in the Union, but not any more though...Please let me know if this is some elaborate prank...
  19. Trell0

    Chapter 1: Vital Signs Unwelcome

    The man at some point will have arrived to what was supposed to be his destination coming to this place. An office building maybe? He couldn't tell, not anymore anyway. He groaned at this situation. "I could have stayed at a regular colony. Been some Union Soldier mascot. Breaking out stupid...