• Nobles of Null is a forum based roleplay site where sci-fi and magic collide. Here, Earth remains fractured and divided despite humanity reaching out to the stars. Worse still, the trans-human slaves of one major power have escaped, only to establish their own Empire, seething with resentment at abuses of the past. Even the discovery of aliens, though medieval in development, has failed to rally these squabbling children of Earth together with its far darker implications. Worse still, is the discovery of the impossible - magic. Practiced by the alien locals, nearly depleted and therefore rare, its reality warping abilities remains abstract and distant to the general populace. All the while, unseen in the darkness of space, forces from without threaten to press in. For those with eyes opened by insight, it is clear that an era is about to end, and that a new age will dawn.

Recent content by CadetNewb

  1. CadetNewb

    IDS Yīnghuā - Log 1.0: Swift as the Wind and Quick as Lightning (風馳電掣)

    Thanks to the hologram systems built into her helmet's exterior, the Aos'Si Caster could see the expression on Hoshiko's face that said something like, 'I'm with stupid -->' in regards to Jun. At least, until she turned her attention to the magical assembly that was being worked on. Soon enough...
  2. CadetNewb

    IDS Yīnghuā - Log 1.0: Swift as the Wind and Quick as Lightning (風馳電掣)

    The creature's enlarged, toothy head stared up with pale, milky eyes that seemed to not see as Xian delivered another blow to its tough head, just to be sure. Like an angler fish that had grown long, gangly arms and claws for catching maiming and mauling, the rest of its fish-like body did not...
  3. CadetNewb

    IDS Yīnghuā - Log 1.0: Swift as the Wind and Quick as Lightning (風馳電掣)

    Xian's stun grenade flew down the hallway and skipped off the ground. Entering the command center and curving around the lip of the doorway, the grenade vanished from sight as Xian dashed forward. With a tremendous flash and bang, the tigress rounded the corner. The mass of tarry black flesh and...
  4. CadetNewb

    IDS Yīnghuā - Log 1.0: Swift as the Wind and Quick as Lightning (風馳電掣)

    The spearman, having finished placing his Heartstone, humored Xian's orders and came along. "A Node on the Tree of Life's roots acts as a portal, and as such, can be compromised and attacked from the other end," The Caster explained to Wen. "The ancient scriptures described this facility as...
  5. CadetNewb

    IDS Yīnghuā - Log 1.0: Swift as the Wind and Quick as Lightning (風馳電掣)

    "Ara-ara!" Sakamoto lit up with delight. "I just happen to have a very fine genetic bank to draw from! You'll only find the very best if you shop with me," the merchant rooster smiled, eager to sell Jun her wares. Xian's flashbang clicked and then soared through the air in an underhand. Just as...
  6. CadetNewb

    IDS Yīnghuā - Log 1.0: Swift as the Wind and Quick as Lightning (風馳電掣)

    In meatspace, Jun covered the entryway as the others entered the room full of knee high water. It was a little irritating translating some of the alien text, but according to it, Xian was covering the Embarking entryway. Hoshiko entered as well, laser gun at the ready, but gave a halfhearted...
  7. CadetNewb

    IDS Yīnghuā - Log 1.0: Swift as the Wind and Quick as Lightning (風馳電掣)

    "I would argue that we live long due to caring for our own," the Caster narrowed her sapphire eyes at Wen. "However, your compatriot has a point. The child does not come when beckoned, and The Winds of Change is full of tricks." The Aos'Si beckoned to the others of her kind, and though the brief...
  8. 40x100mm Maque

  9. 40x56mm Maque

  10. CadetNewb

    IDS Yīnghuā - Log 1.0: Swift as the Wind and Quick as Lightning (風馳電掣)

    "Xian, stop!" Hoshiko hissed between her teeth. Whether or not the other tigress had heard it the first time, she now saw it as she neared the entrance to the barracks. It was just a flicker, but unmistakable. The small, emaciated form of a small child poking around the corner in the distance...
  11. CadetNewb

    IDS Yīnghuā - Log 1.0: Swift as the Wind and Quick as Lightning (風馳電掣)

    "Ara-ara," Sakamoto lightly laughed. Despite Hoshiko having set up an improvised little command spot in the spa that Jun made, Sakamoto pulled up a seat as her feet were worked on. "I have plenty to give, but I don't think they want riches. That's what you're here for." "Being our...
  12. CadetNewb

    IDS Yīnghuā - Log 1.0: Swift as the Wind and Quick as Lightning (風馳電掣)

    The priestess was a rock in the rough sea for them all, regardless of species. But any sense of stability cracked and broke as she recoiled from Jun. "We can't really trust each other. But there's a lot of benefits for both of us, and a chance to start something different." Hoshiko tried to be...
  13. CadetNewb

    IDS Yīnghuā - Log 1.0: Swift as the Wind and Quick as Lightning (風馳電掣)

    The Aos'Si caster betrayed a hint of her anxiety as her eyes moved from Jun and Wen to Hoshiko and back to Jun and Wen. Even with her hooded cloak, they could see the faint twitch of her ears under the cloth as Jun yelled, and now, an idle hand twirled a lock of blue hair around a finger...
  14. CadetNewb

    IDS Yīnghuā - Log 1.0: Swift as the Wind and Quick as Lightning (風馳電掣)

    The half-dozen Aos'Si watched as the Daqinren moved about, a constellation of floating stars fit for a children's room ceiling marking their body like glitter, but despite the obvious positioning, they did not act. "Royalty? Very interesting," The robed caster of the group noted. "But, I could...
  15. CadetNewb

    IDS Yīnghuā - Log 1.0: Swift as the Wind and Quick as Lightning (風馳電掣)

    On hearing Jun's panicked, nonsensical shouting, the eyes of the Aos'Si all shifted in her direction. But even so, it was clear that they couldn't be seen. "Not yet," Hoshiko crossed her arms at the improvised command post put up in the spa.. Given the virtuality was still how Jun wanted, she...