K'a's is a misfit Ayo Sí living in the city of Cheolju. He was born into a house of a well respected craftsmen who ran a business with his wife and lived a comfortable life.
He is mostly shy and awkward around strangers, but lets his true self be revealed among his friends. Always getting in some trouble, and never have a break with his extremely bad luck, he still does not give up and tries again and again to achive something big in his life.
In the early years of K'a's he was alone a lot while his parents worked tirelessly to make a comfortable living. Because of that, his fantasy grew and grew more and more, and he imagined all kinds of adventures he will be the part of. When he grew to a teenager, he always sneaked out from home to meet with his friends. He was not afraid to say out what is on his heart around them, and together they did all kinds of small crime, vandalizing the walls with graffiti, and stealing small items from shops.
Be grew to be a rebel on the streets, but still stayed distanced at home.
With new people he is always distrusting, and even if they prooven to be honest, he doesnt talk much for a while until they get to know them. But once he is comfortable around someone, he doesn't hold back, and sometimes he can be a bit too much even.
K'a's is quite intelligent. Outisde of daydreaming, he was proven to the a prodigy in mathematics and physics. He might not be around in the head sometimes, when he focuses on a problem, he solves it methodically and with precise calculations.
K'a's first appear to be be always serious, staring at people intensively and trying to figure out their intentions. He speaks professionally, trying to reveal his emotions when dealing with officals or higher up. Its not because of the respect, its because the fear of them.
When he is with people he likes, he becomes much more care-free. His posture changes to laid back, and he speaks casually, cracking jokes when he can, and try to keep an optimistic attitude up to ease his friends in the face of danger.
- Build: K'a's is slender like most Aos Sí, his body still looks weak and fragile. He has many wounds scattered around his body, but they are usually hidden behind clothes
- Facial Features: K'a's has a small and flat noise, and full lips that he use to color black with lipstick. his brows are narrow and freckles decorate his cheeks. He looks rather feminie looking.
- Hair Style: His hair is bleached white, and he usually doesnt care much of its state. But he does keep it medium short all the time.
- Distinguishing Features: K'a's wears his signiture yellow scarf whenever he can affort it, but even he can't he tries to sneak something that is yellow to his appearance.
K'a's was born into a family of a well respected craftsmen and his wife who handled the front end of their shop. He was an only child, and was left alone when he was old enough. The lots of time spent alone given him a very strong fantasy, and problem solving ability. He could cook for himself at a suprisingly early age, and while he was alone he dreamed to go on many amazing adventures. He drew a lot, and art became a passion of his, and dancing as well. He dreamed to become an explorer when he grew up.
At his teenage years, he became a kind of misfit. He roamed the streets with his frineds and got into all sorts of trouble.
After he grew up to be a full adault, his parents sent him to the millitary to serve the Commonwealth and bring honor to the family. He was the weakes link at his squad. He wasnt able to make an friends, and he felt like he dont belong to the army.
After about 1 and a half years he was discharged and he was so afrad to go home in shame that he never did. K'a's tried to manage on his own, crashing at an old friend's home and took up several jobs. But unfortunately neither worked out. There was something all the time. He made a big mistake, or the company replaced him, or the place he worked on failed.
He decided he will try short term jobs, and spiraled into the shady side of business. He did all kinds of illegal jobs. Smuggling, breakins, forgery, sometimes he was even treatened people who didnt kept an important deadline. These works were profitable, but he didnt catched a break even here from is bad luck. Sometimes he barely got away with his life and injured seriously, sometimes the contractor screwed him off and didnt pay...
After taking a particularly dangerous job, he was caught and sentenced for prison for years.
Now he is sitting alone in a cell and waiting for his years to pass...
K'a's is a great artist. He can paint and draw, and have some experience in sculpture. He also studied many art history. His practice in dance gave him a great acrobatic ability and he is good at dodging meele attacks, and strike back with precision.
During his millitary training he learned the combat basics and how to handle a variety of handguns, and strategies, but never mastered them. He also have an affinity to his Aos Sí magic that manifested in psi powers. He can create invisible force blades that he can throw and pyschicly injure his target without leaving a wound.
- Skill 1: Psi powers
- Skill 2: Art history knowledge
- Skill 3: Close quaters fighting
- Skill 4: Basic millitary training and handgun proficiency
- Skill 5: Stealth skills
- Trait 1: Cold headed
- Trait 2: Great Visual Calculus and Conceptualizaton
- Skill 2: Optimistic attitude
Due to being in prison, he has no items on him currently, but before his detention he owned: A pair of jeans, a black leather jacket, a yellow striped scarf, a white t-shirt with a metal band on it. A few spare coins, a wallet, a pocket knife, two black armbands with white skulls.
The character art was made by Oddsbod Art