Crystal Karman
Appearance Here
Skills and Abilities
Skilled weapon handler. Bionic Eye allows for the use of different filters from a simple zoom to a thermal vision. Her bionic eye has seen some personal modifications through the years to aid further in combat. Skilled ship pilot and combat pilot. Skilled in CQC (hand to hand). A natural capability for maintenance and tuning.
when in the heat of battle she is definitely focused to the point where she either needs to knocked out or win to come down from her high. outside of the fight she is generally open, when it comes to her work she is quiet unless whoever is asking is in a need to know position. Being a bounty hunter, she has learned when to keep her mouth shut. She can be kind, but stern when things need to get done. she prefers to lead rather than take orders, but can take orders begrudgingly.
From a young age, being born on a station, Crystal was taught to fight and fly to follow the footsteps of her father in bounty hunting. Her mother died shortly after Crystal was born. Being a hunter she learned how to handle herself in situations most wouldn't be put in, learning how to aim under stress and maintain calmness and awareness in the midst of a fight. She started flying her own ship at the age of 16 but has been the pilot/co-pilot in her fathers ship since the age of 10. She was taught to fight hand to hand combat again from her father as she could take down men 2 times her size using their own weight against them. As she reached the age of 17 she left her father and started taking on her own Bounties to make money, from the smallest of targets to black market targets... Working in the black though eventually got to her as she was drugged one night, when she awoke she found herself strapped to a table as devices worked to carefully remove her left eye with no anesthesia, the pain so much as she watched her vision ripped from her skull... Struggling in pain the eye was replaced with a bionic eye, the sick bastard that took her eye however used it in a transplant for some one elsewhere... Since then she grown accustomed to her new eye and found it more a blessing than a curse as she could work on her own ship on a closer level. A bounty hunter needs to learn to repair their own ship if the local station won't take her...